Source code for

from math import ceil, floor
from io import BytesIO
from struct import pack, unpack
from pybgl.crypto import __map_into_range__

bytes_from_hex = bytes.fromhex
int_from_bytes = int.from_bytes

def get_bytes(s, encoding = None):
    if isinstance(s, list):
            s = b"".join(s)
                s = "".join(s)
                    s = [n if isinstance(n,bytes) else bytes_from_hex(n) for n in s]
                    s = b"".join(s)
                    raise ValueError("invalid list")
    if isinstance(s, bytes) or isinstance(s, bytearray):
        return s
    if isinstance(s, str):
        if encoding == 'utf8':
            return s.encode()
        elif encoding == 'hex':
            return bytes_from_hex(s)
            return bytes_from_hex(s)
            return s.encode()

    raise ValueError("utf8 string/hex string/byte string required")

[docs]def rh2s(raw_hash): """ Encode raw transaction hash to HEX string with bytes order change :param raw_hash: transaction hash in bytes string. :return: HEX encoded string. """ return raw_hash[::-1].hex()
[docs]def s2rh(hash_string): """ Decode HEX transaction hash to bytes with byte order change :param hash_string: HEX encoded string. :return: bytes string. """ return bytes_from_hex(hash_string)[::-1]
def s2rh_step4(hash_string): h = bytes_from_hex(hash_string) return reverse_hash(h)
[docs]def reverse_hash(raw_hash): """ Reverse hash order :param raw_hash: bytes string. :return: bytes string. """ return pack('>IIIIIIII', * unpack('>IIIIIIII', raw_hash)[::-1])[::-1]
[docs]def bytes_needed(n): """ Calculate bytes needed to convert integer to bytes. :param n: integer. :return: integer. """ return ceil(n.bit_length()/8) if n != 0 else 1
[docs]def int_to_bytes(i, byteorder='big'): """ Convert integer to bytes. :param i: integer. :param byteorder: (optional) byte order 'big' or 'little', by default is 'big'. :return: bytes. """ return i.to_bytes(bytes_needed(i), byteorder=byteorder, signed=False)
[docs]def bytes_to_int(i, byteorder='big'): """ Convert bytes to integer. :param i: bytes. :param byteorder: (optional) byte order 'big' or 'little', by default is 'big'. :return: integer. """ return int_from_bytes(i, byteorder=byteorder, signed=False)
# variable integer
[docs]def int_to_var_int(i): """ Convert integer to variable integer :param i: integer. :return: bytes. """ if i < 0xfd: return pack('<B', i) if i <= 0xffff: return b'\xfd%s' % pack('<H', i) if i <= 0xffffffff: return b'\xfe%s' % pack('<L', i) return b'\xff%s' % pack('<Q', i)
[docs]def var_int_to_int(data): """ Convert variable integer to integer :param data: bytes variable integer. :return: integer. """ if data[0] == 0xfd: return unpack('<H', data[1:3])[0] elif data[0] == 0xfe: return unpack('<L', data[1:5])[0] elif data[0] == 0xff: return unpack('<Q', data[1:9])[0] return data[0]
[docs]def var_int_len(n): """ Get variable integer length in bytes from integer value :param n: integer. :return: integer. """ if n <= 0xfc: return 1 if n <= 0xffff: return 3 elif n <= 0xffffffff: return 5 return 9
[docs]def get_var_int_len(bytes): """ Get variable integer length in bytes from bytes :param bytes: bytes. :return: integer. """ if bytes[0] == 253: return 3 elif bytes[0] == 254: return 5 elif bytes[0] == 255: return 9 return 1
[docs]def read_var_int(stream): """ Read variable integer from io.BytesIO stream to bytes :param stream: io.BytesIO stream. :return: bytes. """ l = if l[0] == 253: s = 3 elif l[0] == 254: s = 5 elif l[0] == 255: s = 9 else: return l return b"".join((l, - 1)))
[docs]def read_var_list(stream, data_type): """ Read variable integer list from io.BytesIO stream to bytes :param stream: io.BytesIO stream. :param data_type: list data type. :return: list of data_type. """ deserialize = data_type.deserialize count = var_int_to_int(read_var_int(stream)) return [deserialize(stream) for i in range(count)]
# compressed integer
[docs]def int_to_c_int(n, base_bytes=1): """ Convert integer to compressed integer :param n: integer. :param base_bytes: len of bytes base from which start compression. :return: bytes. """ if n == 0: return b'\x00' * base_bytes else: l = n.bit_length() + 1 if l <= base_bytes * 8: return n.to_bytes(base_bytes, byteorder="big") prefix = 0 payload_bytes = ceil((l)/8) - base_bytes a=payload_bytes while True: add_bytes = floor((a) / 8) a = add_bytes if add_bytes>=1: add_bytes+=floor((payload_bytes+add_bytes) / 8) - floor((payload_bytes) / 8) payload_bytes+=add_bytes if a==0: break extra_bytes = int(ceil((l+payload_bytes)/8) - base_bytes) for i in range(extra_bytes): prefix += 2 ** i if l < base_bytes * 8: l = base_bytes * 8 prefix = prefix << l if prefix.bit_length() % 8: prefix = prefix << 8 - prefix.bit_length() % 8 n ^= prefix return n.to_bytes(ceil(n.bit_length() / 8), byteorder="big")
[docs]def c_int_len(n, base_bytes=1): """ Get length of compressed integer from integer value :param n: bytes. :param base_bytes: len of bytes base from which start compression. :return: integer. """ if n == 0: return base_bytes l = n.bit_length() + 1 if l <= base_bytes * 8: return base_bytes payload_bytes = ceil((l) / 8) - base_bytes a = payload_bytes while True: add_bytes = floor((a) / 8) a = add_bytes if add_bytes >= 1: add_bytes += floor((payload_bytes + add_bytes) / 8) - floor((payload_bytes) / 8) payload_bytes += add_bytes if a == 0: break return int(ceil((l+payload_bytes)/8))
[docs]def c_int_to_int(b, base_bytes=1): """ Convert compressed integer bytes to integer :param b: compressed integer bytes. :param base_bytes: len of bytes base from which start compression. :return: integer. """ byte_length = 0 f = 0 while True: v = b[f] if v == 0xff: byte_length += 8 f += 1 continue while v & 0b10000000: byte_length += 1 v = v << 1 break n = int_from_bytes(b[:byte_length+base_bytes], byteorder="big") if byte_length: return n & ((1 << (byte_length+base_bytes) * 8 - byte_length) - 1) return n
def read_c_int(stream, base_bytes=1): """ Read compressed integer from io.BytesIO stream to bytes :param stream: io.BytesIO stream. :return: bytes. """ b = bytearray( byte_length = f = 0 while True: v = b[f] if v == 0xff: byte_length += 8 f += 1 b += continue while v & 0b10000000: byte_length += 1 v = v << 1 break b += - f - 1) return b # generic big endian MPI format def bn_bytes(v, have_ext=False): ext = 0 if have_ext: ext = 1 return ((v.bit_length() + 7) // 8) + ext def bn2bin(v): s = bytearray() i = bn_bytes(v) while i > 0: s.append((v >> ((i - 1) * 8)) & 0xff) i -= 1 return s def bin2bn(s): l = 0 for ch in s: l = (l << 8) | ch return l def bn2mpi(v): have_ext = False if v.bit_length() > 0: have_ext = (v.bit_length() & 0x07) == 0 neg = False if v < 0: neg = True v = -v s = pack(b">I", bn_bytes(v, have_ext)) ext = bytearray() if have_ext: ext.append(0) v_bin = bn2bin(v) if neg: if have_ext: ext[0] |= 0x80 else: v_bin[0] |= 0x80 return s + ext + v_bin def mpi2bn(s): if len(s) < 4: return None s_size = bytes(s[:4]) v_len = unpack(b">I", s_size)[0] if len(s) != (v_len + 4): return None if v_len == 0: return 0 v_str = bytearray(s[4:]) neg = False i = v_str[0] if i & 0x80: neg = True i &= ~0x80 v_str[0] = i v = bin2bn(v_str) if neg: return -v return v # bitcoin-specific little endian format, with implicit size def mpi2vch(s): r = s[4:] # strip size r = r[::-1] # reverse string, converting BE->LE return r def bn2vch(v): return bytes(mpi2vch(bn2mpi(v))) def vch2mpi(s): r = pack(b">I", len(s)) # size r += s[::-1] # reverse string, converting LE->BE return r def vch2bn(s): return mpi2bn(vch2mpi(s)) def i2b(i): return bn2vch(i) def b2i(b): return vch2bn(b) def get_stream(stream): if not isinstance(stream, BytesIO): if isinstance(stream, str): stream = bytes_from_hex(stream) if isinstance(stream, bytes): stream = BytesIO(stream) else: raise TypeError return stream def map_into_range(element, m_f): return __map_into_range__(element, m_f) def hash_to_random_vectors(h): if isinstance(h, str): h = s2rh(h) return bytes_to_int(h[:8], byteorder="little"),\ bytes_to_int(h[8:16], byteorder="little")