Source code for pybgl.classes.transaction

import json
from struct import unpack, pack
from math import ceil
from io import BytesIO
from pybgl.constants import *
from pybgl.opcodes import *
from import (int_to_var_int,
from pybgl.functions.script import op_push_data, decode_script, parse_script, sign_message
from pybgl.functions.script import get_multisig_public_keys, read_opcode, is_valid_signature_encoding
from pybgl.functions.script import public_key_recovery, delete_from_script
from pybgl.functions.hash import hash160, sha256, sha3_256
from pybgl.functions.address import  hash_to_address, address_net_type, address_to_script
from pybgl.classes.address import  PrivateKey, Address, ScriptAddress, PublicKey
from collections import deque

[docs]class Transaction(dict): """ The class for Transaction object :param raw_tx: (optional) raw transaction in bytes or HEX encoded string, if no raw transaction provided well be created new empty transaction template. :param format: (optional) "raw" or "decoded" format. Raw format is mean that all transaction represented in bytes for best performance. Decoded transaction is represented in human readable format using base68, hex, bech32, asm and opcodes. By default "decoded" format using. :param version: (optional) transaction version for new template, by default is 1. :param lock_time: (optional) transaction lock time for new template, by default is 0. :param testnet: (optional) flag for testnet network, by default is False. :param auto_commit: (optional) boolean, by default is True. :param keep_raw_tx: (optional) boolean, by default is False. """ def __init__(self, raw_tx=None, format="decoded", version=1, lock_time=0, testnet=False, auto_commit=True, keep_raw_tx=False): if format not in ("decoded", "raw"): raise ValueError("format error, raw or decoded allowed") self.auto_commit = auto_commit self["format"] = format self["testnet"] = testnet self["segwit"] = False self["rbf"] = False self["txId"] = None self["hash"] = None self["version"] = version self["size"] = 0 self["vSize"] = 0 self["bSize"] = 0 self["lockTime"] = lock_time self["vIn"] = dict() self["vOut"] = dict() self["rawTx"] = None self["blockHash"] = None self["confirmations"] = None self["time"] = None self["blockTime"] = None self["blockIndex"] = None self["coinbase"] = False self["fee"] = None self["data"] = None self["amount"] = None if raw_tx is None: return self["rawTx"] = deque() rtx = self["rawTx"].append self["amount"] = 0 sw = sw_len = 0 stream = self.get_stream(raw_tx) start = stream.tell() read = tell = stream.tell # start deserialization t = read(4) rtx(t) self["version"] = unpack('<L', t)[0] n = read_var_int(stream) rtx(n) if n == b'\x00': # segwit format sw = 1 self["flag"] = read(1) rtx(self["flag"]) n = read_var_int(stream) rtx(n) # inputs ic = var_int_to_int(n) for k in range(ic): self["vIn"][k] = dict() self["vIn"][k]["txId"] = read(32) rtx(self["vIn"][k]["txId"]) t = read(4) rtx(t) self["vIn"][k]["vOut"] = unpack('<L', t)[0] t = read_var_int(stream) rtx(t) self["vIn"][k]["scriptSig"] = read(var_int_to_int(t)) rtx(self["vIn"][k]["scriptSig"]) t = read(4) rtx(t) self["vIn"][k]["sequence"] = unpack('<L', t)[0] if self["vIn"][k]["sequence"] < 0xfffffffe: self["rbf"] = True # outputs t = read_var_int(stream) rtx(t) for k in range(var_int_to_int(t)): self["vOut"][k] = dict() t = read(8) self["vOut"][k]["value"] = unpack('<Q', t)[0] rtx(t) self["amount"] += self["vOut"][k]["value"] t = read_var_int(stream) self["vOut"][k]["scriptPubKey"] = read(var_int_to_int(t)) rtx(t) rtx(self["vOut"][k]["scriptPubKey"]) s = parse_script(self["vOut"][k]["scriptPubKey"]) self["vOut"][k]["nType"] = s["nType"] self["vOut"][k]["type"] = s["type"] if self["data"] is None: if s["nType"] == 3: self["data"] = s["data"] if s["nType"] not in (3, 4, 7, 8): self["vOut"][k]["addressHash"] = s["addressHash"] self["vOut"][k]["reqSigs"] = s["reqSigs"] # witness if sw: sw = tell() - start for k in range(ic): self["vIn"][k]["txInWitness"] = [] t = read_var_int(stream) rtx(t) for c in range(var_int_to_int(t)): l = read_var_int(stream) rtx(l) d = read(var_int_to_int(l)) rtx(d) self["vIn"][k]["txInWitness"].append(d) sw_len = (stream.tell() - start) - sw + 2 t = read(4) rtx(t) self["lockTime"] = unpack('<L', t)[0] end = tell() self["rawTx"] = b"".join(self["rawTx"]) self["size"] = end - start self["bSize"] = end - start - sw_len self["weight"] = self["bSize"] * 3 + self["size"] self["vSize"] = ceil(self["weight"] / 4) if ic == 1 and \ self["vIn"][0]["txId"] == b'\x00' * 32 and \ self["vIn"][0]["vOut"] == 0xffffffff: self["coinbase"] = True else: self["coinbase"] = False if sw: self["segwit"] = True self["hash"] = sha256(self["rawTx"]) self["txId"] = sha256(b"".join((self["rawTx"][:4], self["rawTx"][6:sw], self["rawTx"][-4:]))) else: self["segwit"] = False self["txId"] = sha256(self["rawTx"]) self["hash"] = self["txId"] if not keep_raw_tx: self["rawTx"] = None if self["format"] == "decoded": self.decode()
[docs] def decode(self, testnet=None): """ change Transaction object representation to "decoded" human readable format :param testnet: (optional) flag for testnet network, by default is False. """ if self["format"] == "decoded": self.encode() self["format"] = "decoded" if testnet is not None: self["testnet"] = testnet if type(self["txId"]) == bytes: self["txId"] = rh2s(self["txId"]) if "flag" in self: if type(self["flag"]) == bytes: self["flag"] = rh2s(self["flag"]) if type(self["hash"]) == bytes: self["hash"] = rh2s(self["hash"]) if type(self["rawTx"]) == bytes: self["rawTx"] = self["rawTx"].hex() for i in self["vIn"]: if type(self["vIn"][i]["txId"]) == bytes: self["vIn"][i]["txId"] = rh2s(self["vIn"][i]["txId"]) if type(self["vIn"][i]["scriptSig"]) == bytes: self["vIn"][i]["scriptSig"] = self["vIn"][i]["scriptSig"].hex() try: t = list() append = t.append for w in self["vIn"][i]["txInWitness"]: if type(w) == bytes: w = w.hex() append(w) self["vIn"][i]["txInWitness"] = t except: pass try: if type(self["vIn"][i]["addressHash"]) == bytes: self["vIn"][i]["addressHash"] = self["vIn"][i]["addressHash"].hex() sh = True if self["vIn"][i]["nType"] in (1, 5) else False witness_version = None if self["vIn"][i]["nType"] < 5 else 0 self["vIn"][i]["address"] = hash_to_address(self["vIn"][i]["addressHash"], self["testnet"], sh, witness_version) except: pass if "scriptPubKey" in self["vIn"][i]: if type(self["vIn"][i]["scriptPubKey"]) == bytes: self["vIn"][i]["scriptPubKey"] = self["vIn"][i]["scriptPubKey"].hex() self["vIn"][i]["scriptPubKeyOpcodes"] = decode_script(self["vIn"][i]["scriptPubKey"]) self["vIn"][i]["scriptPubKeyAsm"] = decode_script(self["vIn"][i]["scriptPubKey"], 1) if "redeemScript" in self["vIn"][i]: if type(self["vIn"][i]["redeemScript"]) == bytes: self["vIn"][i]["redeemScript"] = self["vIn"][i]["redeemScript"].hex() self["vIn"][i]["redeemScriptOpcodes"] = decode_script(self["vIn"][i]["redeemScript"]) self["vIn"][i]["redeemScriptAsm"] = decode_script(self["vIn"][i]["redeemScript"], 1) if not self["coinbase"]: if type(self["vIn"][i]["scriptSig"]) == bytes: self["vIn"][i]["scriptSig"] = self["vIn"][i]["scriptSig"].hex() self["vIn"][i]["scriptSigOpcodes"] = decode_script(self["vIn"][i]["scriptSig"]) self["vIn"][i]["scriptSigAsm"] = decode_script(self["vIn"][i]["scriptSig"], 1) for i in self["vOut"]: if type(self["vOut"][i]["scriptPubKey"]) == bytes: self["vOut"][i]["scriptPubKey"] = self["vOut"][i]["scriptPubKey"].hex() try: if type(self["vOut"][i]["addressHash"]) == bytes: self["vOut"][i]["addressHash"] = self["vOut"][i]["addressHash"].hex() sh = True if self["vOut"][i]["nType"] in (1, 5) else False witness_version = None if self["vOut"][i]["nType"] < 5 else 0 self["vOut"][i]["address"] = hash_to_address(self["vOut"][i]["addressHash"], self["testnet"], sh, witness_version) except: pass self["vOut"][i]["scriptPubKeyOpcodes"] = decode_script(self["vOut"][i]["scriptPubKey"]) self["vOut"][i]["scriptPubKeyAsm"] = decode_script(self["vOut"][i]["scriptPubKey"], 1) if "data" in self: if type(self["data"]) == bytes: self["data"] = self["data"].hex() return self
[docs] def encode(self): """ change Transaction object representation to "raw" bytes format, all human readable part will be stripped. """ if type(self["txId"]) == str: self["txId"] = s2rh(self["txId"]) if "flag" in self: if type(self["flag"]) == str: self["flag"] = s2rh(self["flag"]) if type(self["hash"]) == str: self["hash"] = s2rh(self["hash"]) if type(self["rawTx"]) == str: self["rawTx"] = bytes_from_hex(self["rawTx"]) for i in self["vIn"]: if type(self["vIn"][i]["txId"]) == str: self["vIn"][i]["txId"] = s2rh(self["vIn"][i]["txId"]) if type(self["vIn"][i]["scriptSig"]) == str: self["vIn"][i]["scriptSig"] = bytes_from_hex(self["vIn"][i]["scriptSig"]) try: t = list() append = t.append for w in self["vIn"][i]["txInWitness"]: if type(w) == str: w = bytes_from_hex(w) append(w) self["vIn"][i]["txInWitness"] = t except: pass try: if type(self["vIn"][i]["addressHash"]) == str: self["vIn"][i]["addressHash"] = bytes_from_hex(self["vIn"][i]["addressHash"]) if "address" in self["vIn"][i]: del self["vIn"][i]["address"] except: pass if "scriptSigAsm" in self["vIn"][i]: del self["vIn"][i]["scriptSigAsm"] if "scriptSigOpcodes" in self["vIn"][i]: del self["vIn"][i]["scriptSigOpcodes"] if "scriptPubKeyOpcodes" in self["vIn"][i]: del self["vIn"][i]["scriptPubKeyOpcodes"] if "scriptPubKeyAsm" in self["vIn"][i]: del self["vIn"][i]["scriptPubKeyAsm"] if "scriptPubKey" in self["vIn"][i]: self["vIn"][i]["scriptPubKey"] = bytes_from_hex(self["vIn"][i]["scriptPubKey"]) if "redeemScriptOpcodes" in self["vIn"][i]: del self["vIn"][i]["redeemScriptOpcodes"] if "redeemScriptAsm" in self["vIn"][i]: del self["vIn"][i]["redeemScriptAsm"] if "redeemScript" in self["vIn"][i]: del self["vIn"][i]["redeemScript"] for i in self["vOut"]: if type(self["vOut"][i]["scriptPubKey"]) == str: self["vOut"][i]["scriptPubKey"] = bytes_from_hex(self["vOut"][i]["scriptPubKey"]) try: if type(self["vOut"][i]["addressHash"]) == str: self["vOut"][i]["addressHash"] = bytes_from_hex(self["vOut"][i]["addressHash"]) if "address" in self["vOut"][i]: del self["vOut"][i]["address"] except: pass if "scriptPubKeyOpcodes" in self["vOut"][i]: del self["vOut"][i]["scriptPubKeyOpcodes"] if "scriptPubKeyAsm" in self["vOut"][i]: del self["vOut"][i]["scriptPubKeyAsm"] if "data" in self: if type(self["data"]) == str: self["data"] = bytes_from_hex(self["data"]) self["format"] = "raw" return self
@staticmethod def get_stream(stream): if type(stream) != BytesIO: if type(stream) == str: stream = bytes_from_hex(stream) if type(stream) == bytes: stream = BytesIO(stream) else: raise TypeError return stream
[docs] def serialize(self, segwit=True, hex=True): """ get serialized Transaction :param segwit: (optional) flag for segwit representation of serialized transaction, by default True. :param hex: (optional) if set to True return HEX encoded string, by default is True. :return str,bytes: serialized transaction in HEX or bytes. """ chunks = [] append = chunks.append append(pack('<L', self["version"])) if segwit and self["segwit"]: append(b"\x00\x01") append(int_to_var_int(len(self["vIn"]))) for i in self["vIn"]: if isinstance(self["vIn"][i]['txId'], bytes): append(self["vIn"][i]['txId']) else: append(s2rh(self["vIn"][i]['txId'])) append(pack('<L', self["vIn"][i]['vOut'])) if isinstance(self["vIn"][i]['scriptSig'], bytes): append(int_to_var_int(len(self["vIn"][i]['scriptSig']))) append(self["vIn"][i]['scriptSig']) else: append(int_to_var_int(int(len(self["vIn"][i]['scriptSig']) / 2))) append(bytes_from_hex(self["vIn"][i]['scriptSig'])) append(pack('<L', self["vIn"][i]['sequence'])) append(int_to_var_int(len(self["vOut"]))) for i in self["vOut"]: append(pack('<Q', self["vOut"][i]['value'])) if isinstance(self["vOut"][i]['scriptPubKey'], bytes): append(int_to_var_int(len(self["vOut"][i]['scriptPubKey']))) append(self["vOut"][i]['scriptPubKey']) else: append(int_to_var_int(int(len(self["vOut"][i]['scriptPubKey']) / 2))) append(bytes_from_hex(self["vOut"][i]['scriptPubKey'])) if segwit and self["segwit"]: for i in self["vIn"]: append(int_to_var_int(len(self["vIn"][i]['txInWitness']))) for w in self["vIn"][i]['txInWitness']: if isinstance(w, bytes): append(int_to_var_int(len(w))) append(w) else: append(int_to_var_int(int(len(w) / 2))) append(bytes_from_hex(w)) append(pack('<L', self['lockTime'])) tx = b''.join(chunks) return tx if not hex else tx.hex()
[docs] def json(self): """ get json Transaction representation """ try: return json.dumps(self) except: pass return json.dumps(self.decode())
def add_input(self, tx_id=None, v_out=0, sequence=0xffffffff, script_sig=b"", tx_in_witness=None, amount=None, script_pub_key=None, address=None, private_key=None, redeem_script=None, input_verify = True): if tx_id is None: tx_id = b"\x00" * 32 v_out = 0xffffffff if (sequence != 0xffffffff or self["vIn"]) and input_verify: raise RuntimeError("invalid coinbase transaction") if isinstance(tx_id, str): tx_id = s2rh(tx_id) if not isinstance(tx_id, bytes) or len(tx_id) != 32: raise TypeError("tx_id invalid") if isinstance(script_sig, str): script_sig = bytes_from_hex(script_sig) if not isinstance(script_sig, bytes) or (len(script_sig) > 520 and input_verify): raise TypeError("script_sig invalid") if not isinstance(v_out, int) or not (v_out <= 0xffffffff and v_out >= 0): raise TypeError("v_out invalid") if not isinstance(sequence, int) or not (sequence <= 0xffffffff and sequence >= 0): raise TypeError("sequence invalid") if private_key: if not isinstance(private_key, PrivateKey): private_key = PrivateKey(private_key) if amount: if not isinstance(amount, int) or not amount >= 0 and amount <= MAX_AMOUNT: raise TypeError("amount invalid") if tx_in_witness: if not isinstance(tx_in_witness, list): raise TypeError("tx_in_witness invalid") l = 0 witness = [] for w in tx_in_witness: if isinstance(w, str): witness.append(bytes_from_hex(w) if self["format"] == "raw" else w) else: witness.append(w if self["format"] == "raw" else bytes_from_hex(w)) l += 1 + len(w) if len(w) >= 0x4c: l += 1 if len(w) > 0xff: l += 1 # witness script limit if not l <= 10000: raise TypeError("tx_in_witness invalid") if tx_id == b"\x00" * 32: if not (v_out == 0xffffffff and sequence == 0xffffffff and len(script_sig) <= 100): if input_verify: raise TypeError("coinbase tx invalid") self["coinbase"] = True # script_pub_key if script_pub_key: if isinstance(script_pub_key, str): script_pub_key = bytes_from_hex(script_pub_key) if not isinstance(script_pub_key, bytes): raise TypeError("script_pub_key tx invalid") if redeem_script: if isinstance(redeem_script, str): redeem_script = bytes_from_hex(redeem_script) if not isinstance(redeem_script, bytes): raise TypeError("redeem_script tx invalid") if address is not None: if isinstance(address, str): net = True if address_net_type(address) == 'mainnet' else False if not net != self["testnet"]: raise TypeError("address invalid") script = address_to_script(address) elif type(address) in (Address, ScriptAddress): script = address_to_script(address.address) else: raise TypeError("address invalid") if script_pub_key: if script_pub_key != script: raise Exception("address not match script") else: script_pub_key = script k = len(self["vIn"]) self["vIn"][k] = dict() self["vIn"][k]["vOut"] = v_out self["vIn"][k]["sequence"] = sequence if self["format"] == "raw": self["vIn"][k]["txId"] = tx_id self["vIn"][k]["scriptSig"] = script_sig if script_pub_key: self["vIn"][k]["scriptPubKey"] = script_pub_key if redeem_script: self["vIn"][k]["redeemScript"] = redeem_script else: self["vIn"][k]["txId"] = rh2s(tx_id) self["vIn"][k]["scriptSig"] = script_sig.hex() self["vIn"][k]["scriptSigOpcodes"] = decode_script(script_sig) self["vIn"][k]["scriptSigAsm"] = decode_script(script_sig, 1) if script_pub_key: self["vIn"][k]["scriptPubKey"] = script_pub_key.hex() self["vIn"][k]["scriptPubKeyOpcodes"] = decode_script(script_pub_key) self["vIn"][k]["scriptPubKeyAsm"] = decode_script(script_pub_key, 1) if redeem_script: self["vIn"][k]["redeemScript"] = redeem_script.hex() self["vIn"][k]["redeemScriptOpcodes"] = decode_script(redeem_script) self["vIn"][k]["redeemScriptAsm"] = decode_script(script_pub_key, 1) if tx_in_witness: self["segwit"] = True self["vIn"][k]["txInWitness"] = witness if amount: self["vIn"][k]["value"] = amount if private_key: self["vIn"][k]["private_key"] = private_key if self.auto_commit: self.commit() return self def add_output(self, amount, address=None, script_pub_key=None): if address is None and script_pub_key is None: raise Exception("unable to add output, address or script required") if type(amount) != int: raise TypeError("unable to add output, amount type error") if amount < 0 or amount > MAX_AMOUNT: raise Exception("unable to add output, amount value error") if script_pub_key: if isinstance(script_pub_key, str): script_pub_key = bytes_from_hex(script_pub_key) if not isinstance(script_pub_key, bytes): raise TypeError("unable to add output, script_pub_key type error") else: if type(address) == Address: address = address.address script_pub_key = address_to_script(address) k = len(self["vOut"]) self["vOut"][k] = dict() self["vOut"][k]["value"] = amount segwit = True if "segwit" in self else False s = parse_script(script_pub_key, segwit) self["vOut"][k]["nType"] = s["nType"] self["vOut"][k]["type"] = s["type"] if self["format"] == "raw": self["vOut"][k]["scriptPubKey"] = script_pub_key if self["data"] is None: if s["nType"] == 3: self["data"] = s["data"] if s["nType"] not in (3, 4, 7, 8): self["vOut"][k]["addressHash"] = s["addressHash"] self["vOut"][k]["reqSigs"] = s["reqSigs"] else: self["vOut"][k]["scriptPubKey"] = script_pub_key.hex() if self["data"] is None: if s["nType"] == 3: self["data"] = s["data"].hex() if s["nType"] not in (3, 4, 7, 8): self["vOut"][k]["addressHash"] = s["addressHash"].hex() self["vOut"][k]["reqSigs"] = s["reqSigs"] self["vOut"][k]["scriptPubKeyOpcodes"] = decode_script(script_pub_key) self["vOut"][k]["scriptPubKeyAsm"] = decode_script(script_pub_key, 1) sh = True if self["vOut"][k]["nType"] in (1, 5) else False witness_version = None if self["vOut"][k]["nType"] < 5 else 0 if "addressHash" in self["vOut"][k]: self["vOut"][k]["address"] = hash_to_address(self["vOut"][k]["addressHash"], self["testnet"], sh, witness_version) if self.auto_commit: self.commit() return self def del_output(self, n=None): if not self["vOut"]: return self if n is None: n = len(self["vOut"]) - 1 new_out = dict() c = 0 for i in range(len(self["vOut"])): if i != n: new_out[c] = self["vOut"][i] c += 1 self["vOut"] = new_out if self.auto_commit: self.commit() return self def del_input(self, n): if not self["vIn"]: return self if n is None: n = len(self["vIn"]) - 1 new_in = dict() c = 0 for i in range(len(self["vIn"])): if i != n: new_in[c] = self["vIn"][i] c += 1 self["vIn"] = new_in if self.auto_commit: self.commit() return self def sign_input(self, n, private_key=None, script_pub_key=None, redeem_script=None, sighash_type=SIGHASH_ALL, address=None, amount=None, witness_version=0, p2sh_p2wsh=False): # private key if not private_key: try: private_key = self["vIn"][n]["private_key"].key except: raise RuntimeError("no private key") if isinstance(private_key, list): public_key = [PublicKey(p).key for p in private_key] private_key = [p.key if isinstance(p, PrivateKey) else PrivateKey(p).key for p in private_key] else: if not isinstance(private_key, PrivateKey): private_key = PrivateKey(private_key) public_key = [PublicKey(private_key).key] private_key = [private_key.key] if address is not None: if isinstance(address, str): net = True if address_net_type(address) == 'mainnet' else False if not net != self["testnet"]: raise TypeError("address invalid") script_pub_key = address_to_script(address) elif type(address) in (Address, ScriptAddress): script_pub_key = address_to_script(address.address) # script pub key if script_pub_key is None: if "scriptPubKey" in self["vIn"][n]: script_pub_key = self["vIn"][n]["scriptPubKey"] st = parse_script(script_pub_key) elif redeem_script or "redeemScript" in self["vIn"][n]: if witness_version is None or p2sh_p2wsh: st = {"type": "P2SH"} elif witness_version == 0: st = {"type": "P2WSH"} else: raise RuntimeError("not implemented") else: raise RuntimeError("no scriptPubKey key") else: st = parse_script(script_pub_key) if isinstance(script_pub_key, str): script_pub_key = bytes.fromhex(script_pub_key) # sign input if st["type"] == "PUBKEY": script_sig = self.__sign_pubkey__(n, private_key, script_pub_key, sighash_type) elif st["type"] == "P2PKH": script_sig = self.__sign_p2pkh__(n, private_key, public_key, script_pub_key, sighash_type) elif st["type"] == "P2SH": script_sig = self.__sign_p2sh(n, private_key, public_key, redeem_script, sighash_type, amount, p2sh_p2wsh) elif st["type"] == "P2WPKH": script_sig = self.__sign_p2wpkh(n, private_key, public_key, script_pub_key, sighash_type, amount) elif st["type"] == "P2WSH": script_sig = self.__sign_p2wsh(n, private_key, public_key, script_pub_key, redeem_script, sighash_type, amount) elif st["type"] == "MULTISIG": script_sig = self.__sign_bare_multisig__(n, private_key, public_key, script_pub_key, sighash_type) else: raise RuntimeError("not implemented") if self["format"] == "raw": self["vIn"][n]["scriptSig"] = script_sig else: self["vIn"][n]["scriptSig"] = script_sig.hex() self["vIn"][n]["scriptSigOpcodes"] = decode_script(script_sig) self["vIn"][n]["scriptSigAsm"] = decode_script(script_sig, 1) if self.auto_commit: self.commit() return self def __sign_bare_multisig__(self, n, private_key, public_key, script_pub_key, sighash_type): sighash = self.sig_hash(n, script_pub_key=script_pub_key, sighash_type=sighash_type) sighash = s2rh(sighash) if isinstance(sighash, str) else sighash sig = [sign_message(sighash, p, 0) + bytes([sighash_type]) for p in private_key] self["vIn"][n]['signatures'] = [s if self["format"] == "raw" else s.hex() for s in sig] return b''.join(self.__get_bare_multisig_script_sig__(self["vIn"][n]["scriptSig"], script_pub_key, public_key, sig, n)) def __sign_pubkey__(self, n, private_key, script_pub_key, sighash_type): sighash = self.sig_hash(n, script_pub_key=script_pub_key, sighash_type=sighash_type) sighash = s2rh(sighash) if isinstance(sighash, str) else sighash signature = sign_message(sighash, private_key[0], 0) + bytes([sighash_type]) self["vIn"][n]['signatures'] = [signature, ] if self["format"] == "raw" else [signature.hex(), ] return b''.join([bytes([len(signature)]), signature]) def __sign_p2pkh__(self, n, private_key, public_key, script_pub_key, sighash_type): sighash = self.sig_hash(n, script_pub_key=script_pub_key, sighash_type=sighash_type) sighash = s2rh(sighash) if isinstance(sighash, str) else sighash signature = sign_message(sighash, private_key[0], 0) + bytes([sighash_type]) self["vIn"][n]['signatures'] = [signature, ] if self["format"] == "raw" else [signature.hex(), ] script_sig = b''.join([bytes([len(signature)]), signature, bytes([len(public_key[0])]), public_key[0]]) return script_sig def __sign_p2sh(self, n, private_key, public_key, redeem_script, sighash_type, amount, p2sh_p2wsh): if not redeem_script: if "redeemScript" in self["vIn"][n]: redeem_script = self["vIn"][n]["redeemScript"] else: raise RuntimeError("no redeem script") if isinstance(redeem_script, str): redeem_script = bytes.fromhex(redeem_script) rst = parse_script(redeem_script) if p2sh_p2wsh: return self.__sign_p2sh_p2wsh(n, private_key, public_key, redeem_script, sighash_type, amount) if rst["type"] == "MULTISIG": return self.__sign_p2sh_multisig(n, private_key, public_key, redeem_script, sighash_type) elif rst["type"] == "P2WPKH": return self.__sign_p2sh_p2wpkh(n, private_key, public_key, redeem_script, sighash_type, amount) else: return self.__sign_p2sh_custom(n, private_key, public_key, redeem_script, sighash_type, amount) def __sign_p2sh_multisig(self, n, private_key, public_key, redeem_script, sighash_type): sighash = self.sig_hash(n, script_pub_key=redeem_script, sighash_type=sighash_type) sighash = s2rh(sighash) if isinstance(sighash, str) else sighash sig = [sign_message(sighash, p, 0) + bytes([sighash_type]) for p in private_key] self["vIn"][n]['signatures'] = [s if self["format"] == "raw" else s.hex() for s in sig] return b''.join(self.__get_multisig_script_sig__(self["vIn"][n]["scriptSig"], public_key, sig, redeem_script, redeem_script, n)) def __sign_p2sh_p2wpkh(self, n, private_key, public_key, redeem_script, sighash_type, amount): s = [b'\x19', OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, op_push_data(hash160(public_key[0], 0)), OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG] if amount is None: try: amount = self["vIn"][n]["value"] except: raise RuntimeError("no input amount") sighash = self.sig_hash_segwit(n, amount, script_pub_key=b"".join(s), sighash_type=sighash_type) sighash = bytes.fromhex(sighash) if isinstance(sighash, str) else sighash signature = sign_message(sighash, private_key[0], 0) + bytes([sighash_type]) self["segwit"] = True if self["format"] == "raw": self["vIn"][n]['txInWitness'] = [signature, public_key[0]] else: self["vIn"][n]['txInWitness'] = [signature.hex(), public_key[0].hex()] self["vIn"][n]['signatures'] = [signature,] if self["format"] == "raw" else [signature.hex(),] return op_push_data(redeem_script) def __sign_p2sh_p2wsh(self, n, private_key, public_key, redeem_script, sighash_type, amount): rst = parse_script(redeem_script) if rst["type"] == "MULTISIG": return self.__sign_p2sh_p2wsh_multisig(n, private_key, public_key, redeem_script, sighash_type, amount) else: raise RuntimeError("not implemented") def __sign_p2sh_custom(self, n, private_key, public_key, redeem_script, sighash_type, amount): raise RuntimeError("not implemented") return b"" def __sign_p2wpkh(self, n, private_key, public_key, script_pub_key, sighash_type, amount): s = [b'\x19', OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, script_pub_key[1:], OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG] if amount is None: try: amount = self["vIn"][n]["value"] except: raise RuntimeError("no input amount") sighash = self.sig_hash_segwit(n, amount, script_pub_key=b"".join(s), sighash_type=sighash_type) sighash = bytes.fromhex(sighash) if isinstance(sighash, str) else sighash signature = sign_message(sighash, private_key[0], 0) + bytes([sighash_type]) self["segwit"] = True if self["format"] == "raw": self["vIn"][n]['txInWitness'] = [signature, public_key[0]] else: self["vIn"][n]['txInWitness'] = [signature.hex(), public_key[0].hex()] self["vIn"][n]['signatures'] = [signature,] if self["format"] == "raw" else [signature.hex(),] return b"" def __sign_p2wsh(self, n, private_key, public_key, script_pub_key, redeem_script, sighash_type, amount): self["segwit"] = True if not redeem_script: if "redeemScript" in self["vIn"][n]: redeem_script = self["vIn"][n]["redeemScript"] else: raise RuntimeError("no redeem script") if isinstance(redeem_script, str): redeem_script = bytes.fromhex(redeem_script) rst = parse_script(redeem_script) if amount is None: try: amount = self["vIn"][n]["value"] except: raise RuntimeError("no input amount") if rst["type"] == "MULTISIG": return self.__sign_p2wsh_multisig(n, private_key, public_key, script_pub_key, redeem_script, sighash_type, amount) else: return self.__sign_p2wsh_custom(n, private_key, public_key, script_pub_key, redeem_script, sighash_type, amount) def __sign_p2wsh_multisig(self, n, private_key, public_key, script_pub_key, redeem_script, sighash_type, amount): script_code = int_to_var_int(len(redeem_script)) + redeem_script sighash = self.sig_hash_segwit(n, amount, script_pub_key=script_code, sighash_type=sighash_type) sighash = bytes.fromhex(sighash) if isinstance(sighash, str) else sighash sig = [sign_message(sighash, p, 0) + bytes([sighash_type]) for p in private_key] self["vIn"][n]['signatures'] = [s if self["format"] == "raw" else s.hex() for s in sig] if "txInWitness" not in self["vIn"][n]: self["vIn"][n]["txInWitness"] = [] witness = self.__get_multisig_script_sig__(self["vIn"][n]["txInWitness"], public_key, sig, script_code, redeem_script, n, amount) if self["format"] == "raw": self["vIn"][n]['txInWitness'] = list(witness) else: self["vIn"][n]["txInWitness"] = list([w.hex() for w in witness]) return b"" def __sign_p2wsh_custom(self, n, private_key, public_key, script_pub_key, redeem_script, sighash_type, amount): raise RuntimeError("not implemented __sign_p2wsh_custom") def __sign_p2sh_p2wsh_multisig(self, n, private_key, public_key, redeem_script, sighash_type, amount): self["segwit"] = True script_code = int_to_var_int(len(redeem_script)) + redeem_script sighash = self.sig_hash_segwit(n, amount, script_pub_key=script_code, sighash_type=sighash_type) sighash = bytes.fromhex(sighash) if isinstance(sighash, str) else sighash sig = [sign_message(sighash, p, 0) + bytes([sighash_type]) for p in private_key] self["vIn"][n]['signatures'] = [s if self["format"] == "raw" else s.hex() for s in sig] if "txInWitness" not in self["vIn"][n]: self["vIn"][n]["txInWitness"] = [] witness = self.__get_multisig_script_sig__(self["vIn"][n]["txInWitness"], public_key, sig, script_code, redeem_script, n, amount) if self["format"] == "raw": self["vIn"][n]['txInWitness'] = list(witness) else: self["vIn"][n]["txInWitness"] = list([w.hex() for w in witness]) # calculate P2SH redeem script from P2WSH redeem script return op_push_data(b"\x00" + op_push_data(sha256(redeem_script))) def __get_bare_multisig_script_sig__(self, script_sig, script_pub_key, keys, signatures, n): sig_map = {keys[i]:signatures[i] for i in range(len(keys))} pub_keys = get_multisig_public_keys(script_pub_key) s = get_stream(script_sig) o, d = read_opcode(s) while o: o, d = read_opcode(s) if d and is_valid_signature_encoding(d): for i in range(4): sighash = self.sig_hash(n, script_pub_key=script_pub_key, sighash_type=d[-1]) sighash = s2rh(sighash) if isinstance(sighash, str) else sighash pk = public_key_recovery(d[:-1], sighash, i, hex=0) if pk in pub_keys: sig_map[pk] = d break # recreate script sig r = [OP_0] for k in pub_keys: try: r.append(op_push_data(sig_map[k])) except: pass return r def __get_multisig_script_sig__(self, script_sig, keys, signatures, script_code, redeem_script, n, amount=None): sig_map = {keys[i]:signatures[i] for i in range(len(keys))} pub_keys = get_multisig_public_keys(redeem_script) p2wsh = True if isinstance(script_sig, list) else False if not p2wsh: s = get_stream(script_sig) o, d = read_opcode(s) while o: o, d = read_opcode(s) if d and is_valid_signature_encoding(d): for i in range(4): sighash = self.sig_hash(n, script_pub_key=script_code, sighash_type=d[-1]) sighash = s2rh(sighash) if isinstance(sighash, str) else sighash pk = public_key_recovery(d[:-1], sighash, i, hex=0) if pk in pub_keys: sig_map[pk] = d break # recreate script sig r = [OP_0] for k in pub_keys: try: r.append(op_push_data(sig_map[k])) except: pass r += [op_push_data(redeem_script)] else: for w in script_sig: if isinstance(w, str): w = bytes.fromhex(w) if w and is_valid_signature_encoding(w): d = w[:-1] for i in range(4): sighash = self.sig_hash_segwit(n, amount, script_pub_key=script_code, sighash_type=w[-1]) pk = public_key_recovery(d, sighash, i, hex=0) if pk in pub_keys: sig_map[pk] = w break r = [b""] for k in pub_keys: try: r.append(sig_map[k]) except: pass r += [redeem_script] return r def sig_hash(self, n, script_pub_key=None, sighash_type=SIGHASH_ALL, preimage=False): try: self["vIn"][n] except: raise Exception("sig_hash error, input not exist") # check script_pub_key for input if script_pub_key is not None: script_code = script_pub_key else: if "scriptPubKey" not in self["vIn"][n]: raise Exception("sig_hash error, scriptPubKey required") script_code = self["vIn"][n]["scriptPubKey"] if isinstance(script_code, str): script_code = bytes.fromhex(script_code) if not isinstance(script_code,bytes): raise Exception("sig_hash error, script_code type error") # remove opcode separators if ((sighash_type & 31) == SIGHASH_SINGLE) and (n >= (len(self["vOut"]))): if self["format"] == "raw": return b'\x01%s' % (b'\x00' * 31) return rh2s(b'\x01%s' % (b'\x00' * 31)) script_code = delete_from_script(script_code, BYTE_OPCODE["OP_CODESEPARATOR"]) pm = bytearray() pm += b"%s%s" % (pack('<L', self["version"]), b'\x01' if sighash_type & SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY else int_to_var_int(len(self["vIn"]))) for i in self["vIn"]: # skip all other inputs for SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY case if (sighash_type & SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY) and (n != i): continue sequence = self["vIn"][i]["sequence"] if ((sighash_type & 31) == SIGHASH_SINGLE or (sighash_type & 31) == SIGHASH_NONE) and (n != i): sequence = 0 tx_id = self["vIn"][i]["txId"] if isinstance(tx_id, str): tx_id = s2rh(tx_id) if n == i: pm += b"%s%s%s%s%s" % (tx_id, pack('<L', self["vIn"][i]["vOut"]), int_to_var_int(len(script_code)), script_code, pack('<L', sequence)) else: pm += b'%s%s\x00%s' % (tx_id, pack('<L', self["vIn"][i]["vOut"]), pack('<L', sequence)) if (sighash_type & 31) == SIGHASH_NONE: pm += b'\x00' else: if (sighash_type & 31) == SIGHASH_SINGLE: pm += int_to_var_int(n + 1) else: pm += int_to_var_int(len(self["vOut"])) if (sighash_type & 31) != SIGHASH_NONE: for i in self["vOut"]: script_pub_key = self["vOut"][i]["scriptPubKey"] if isinstance(self["vOut"][i]["scriptPubKey"], str): script_pub_key = bytes_from_hex(script_pub_key) if i > n and (sighash_type & 31) == SIGHASH_SINGLE: continue if (sighash_type & 31) == SIGHASH_SINGLE and (n != i): pm += b"%s%s" % (b'\xff' * 8, b'\x00') else: pm += b"%s%s%s" % (self["vOut"][i]["value"].to_bytes(8, 'little'), int_to_var_int(len(script_pub_key)), script_pub_key) pm += b"%s%s" % (self["lockTime"].to_bytes(4, 'little'), pack(b"<i", sighash_type)) if not preimage: pm = sha256(pm) return pm if self["format"] == "raw" else rh2s(pm) return pm if self["format"] == "raw" else pm.hex() def sig_hash_segwit(self, n, amount, script_pub_key=None, sighash_type=SIGHASH_ALL, preimage=False): try: self["vIn"][n] except: raise Exception("sig_hash error, input not exist") # check script_pub_key for input if script_pub_key is not None: script_code = script_pub_key else: if "scriptPubKey" not in self["vIn"][n]: raise Exception("sig_hash error, scriptPubKey required") script_code = self["vIn"][n]["scriptPubKey"] if isinstance(script_code, str): script_code = bytes.fromhex(script_code) if not isinstance(script_code,bytes): raise Exception("sig_hash error, script_code type error") # remove opcode separators pm = bytearray() # 1. nVersion of the transaction (4-byte little endian) pm += pack('<L', self["version"]) # 2. hashPrevouts (32-byte hash) # 3. hashSequence (32-byte hash) # 4. outpoint (32-byte hash + 4-byte little endian) # 5. scriptCode of the input (serialized as scripts inside CTxOuts) # 6. value of the output spent by this input (8-byte little endian) # 7. nSequence of the input (4-byte little endian) hp = bytearray() # hash of out points hs = bytearray() # hash of sequences for i in self["vIn"]: tx_id = self["vIn"][i]["txId"] if type(tx_id) == str: tx_id = s2rh(tx_id) if not (sighash_type & SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY): hp += b"%s%s" % (tx_id, pack('<L', self["vIn"][i]["vOut"])) if (sighash_type & 31) != SIGHASH_SINGLE and (sighash_type & 31) != SIGHASH_NONE: hs += pack('<L', self["vIn"][i]["sequence"]) if i == n: outpoint = b"%s%s" % (tx_id, pack('<L', self["vIn"][i]["vOut"])) n_sequence = pack('<L', self["vIn"][i]["sequence"]) hash_prevouts = sha3_256(hp) if hp else b'\x00' * 32 hash_sequence = sha3_256(hs) if hs else b'\x00' * 32 value = amount.to_bytes(8, 'little') # 8. hashOutputs (32-byte hash) ho = bytearray() for o in self["vOut"]: script_pub_key = self["vOut"][o]["scriptPubKey"] if type(self["vOut"][o]["scriptPubKey"]) == str: script_pub_key = bytes_from_hex(script_pub_key) if (sighash_type & 31) != SIGHASH_SINGLE and (sighash_type & 31) != SIGHASH_NONE: ho += b"%s%s%s" % (self["vOut"][o]["value"].to_bytes(8, 'little'), int_to_var_int(len(script_pub_key)), script_pub_key) elif (sighash_type & 31) == SIGHASH_SINGLE and n < len(self["vOut"]): if o == n: ho += b"%s%s%s" % (self["vOut"][o]["value"].to_bytes(8, 'little'), int_to_var_int(len(script_pub_key)), script_pub_key) hash_outputs = sha3_256(ho) if ho else b'\x00' * 32 pm += b"%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % (hash_prevouts, hash_sequence, outpoint, script_code, value, n_sequence, hash_outputs, pack('<L', self["lockTime"]), pack('<L', sighash_type)) if not preimage: pm = sha3_256(pm) return pm if self["format"] == "raw" else pm.hex() def commit(self): if not self["vOut"] or not self["vIn"]: return if self["segwit"]: for i in self["vIn"]: if "txInWitness" not in self["vIn"][i]: if self["format"] == "raw": self["vIn"][i]["txInWitness"] = [] else: self["vIn"][i]["txInWitness"] = [] no_segwit_view = self.serialize(segwit=False, hex=False) self["txId"] = sha256(no_segwit_view) self["rawTx"] = self.serialize(segwit=True, hex=False) self["hash"] = sha256(self["rawTx"]) self["size"] = len(self["rawTx"]) self["bSize"] = len(no_segwit_view) self["weight"] = self["bSize"] * 3 + self["size"] self["vSize"] = ceil(self["weight"] / 4) if self["format"] != "raw": self["txId"] = rh2s(self["txId"]) self["hash"] = rh2s(self["hash"]) self["rawTx"] = self["rawTx"].hex() input_sum = 0 self["rbf"] = False for i in self["vIn"]: if "value" in self["vIn"][i]: input_sum += self["vIn"][i]["value"] if self["vIn"][i]["sequence"] < 0xfffffffe: self["rbf"] = True else: input_sum = None break output_sum = 0 for i in self["vOut"]: if "value" in self["vOut"][i]: output_sum += self["vOut"][i]["value"] else: output_sum = None break self["amount"] = output_sum if output_sum and input_sum: self["fee"] = input_sum - output_sum else: self["fee"] = None