Source code for pybgl.classes.block

from struct import unpack, pack
from io import BytesIO
from pybgl.functions.block import bits_to_target, target_to_difficulty, merkle_root_double_sha256
from pybgl.functions.block import merkle_root, merkle_branches, merkle_root_from_branches
from pybgl.functions.hash import sha3_256, double_sha256
from import var_int_to_int, read_var_int, var_int_len, rh2s, reverse_hash, s2rh, s2rh_step4
from import bytes_from_hex, int_to_var_int
from pybgl.classes.transaction import Transaction
import math

[docs]class Block(dict): """ The class for Block object :param raw_block: (optional) raw_block in bytes or HEX encoded string, if no raw raw_block provided well be created new empty block template. :param format: (optional) "raw" or "decoded" format. Raw format is mean that it represented in bytes for best performance. Decoded block is represented in human readable format using base68, hex, bech32, asm and opcodes. By default "decoded" format using. :param version: (optional) block version for new template, by default is 536870912. :param testnet: (optional) flag for testnet network, by default is False. :param keep_raw_tx: (optional) boolean, by default is False. """ def __init__(self, raw_block=None, format="decoded", version=536870912, testnet=False, keep_raw_tx=False): if format not in ("decoded", "raw"): raise ValueError("block_format error, raw or decoded allowed") self["format"] = format self["testnet"] = testnet self["header"] = None self["hash"] = None self["version"] = version self["versionHex"] = pack(">L", version).hex() self["previousBlockHash"] = None self["merkleRoot"] = None self["tx"] = dict() self["time"] = None self["bits"] = None self["nonce"] = None self["weight"] = 0 self["size"] = 80 self["strippedSize"] = 80 self["amount"] = 0 self["height"] = None self["difficulty"] = None self["targetDifficulty"] = None self["target"] = None if raw_block is None: return self["size"] = len(raw_block) if isinstance(raw_block, bytes) else int(len(raw_block)/2) s = self.get_stream(raw_block) self["format"] = "raw" self["version"] = unpack("<L",[0] self["versionHex"] = pack(">L", self["version"]).hex() self["previousBlockHash"] = self["merkleRoot"] = self["time"] = unpack("<L",[0] self["bits"] = self["target"] = bits_to_target(unpack("<L", self["bits"])[0]) self["targetDifficulty"] = target_to_difficulty(self["target"]) self["target"] = self["target"].to_bytes(32, byteorder="little") self["nonce"] = unpack("<L",[0], 1) self["header"] = self["hash"] = sha3_256(self["header"]) block_target = int.from_bytes(self["hash"], byteorder="little") self["difficulty"] = target_to_difficulty(block_target) tx_count = var_int_to_int(read_var_int(s)) self["tx"] = dict() for i in range(tx_count): self["tx"][i] = Transaction(s, format="raw", keep_raw_tx=keep_raw_tx) self["amount"] += self["tx"][i]["amount"] self["strippedSize"] += self["tx"][i]["bSize"] self["strippedSize"] += var_int_len(tx_count) self["weight"] = self["strippedSize"] * 3 + self["size"] if format == "decoded": self.decode(testnet=testnet)
[docs] def decode(self, testnet=None): """ Decoded block is represented in human readable format :param testnet: (optional) flag for testnet network, by default is False. """ self["format"] = "decoded" if testnet is not None: self["testnet"] = testnet if isinstance(self["hash"], bytes): self["hash"] = rh2s(self["hash"]) if isinstance(self["target"], bytes): self["target"] = rh2s(self["target"]) if isinstance(self["previousBlockHash"], bytes): self["previousBlockHash"] = rh2s(self["previousBlockHash"]) if "nextBlockHash" in self: if isinstance(self["nextBlockHash"], bytes): self["nextBlockHash"] = rh2s(self["nextBlockHash"]) if isinstance(self["merkleRoot"], bytes): self["merkleRoot"] = rh2s(self["merkleRoot"]) if isinstance(self["header"], bytes): self["header"] = self["header"].hex() if isinstance(self["bits"], bytes): self["bits"] = rh2s(self["bits"]) for i in self["tx"]: self["tx"][i].decode(testnet=testnet)
@staticmethod def get_stream(stream): if type(stream) != BytesIO: if type(stream) == str: stream = bytes.fromhex(stream) if type(stream) == bytes: stream = BytesIO(stream) else: raise TypeError return stream
class BlockTemplate(): def __init__(self, data, coinbase_output_address, testnet = False, coinbase_message = "", extranonce1 = "00000000", extranonce1_size = 4, extranonce2_size = 4): self.testnet = testnet self.version = data["version"].to_bytes(4, "big").hex() self.previous_block_hash = reverse_hash(s2rh(data["previousblockhash"])).hex() self.time = data["curtime"].to_bytes(4, "big").hex() self.bits = data["bits"] self.height = data["height"] self.block_reward = 200 * 100000000 >> data["height"] // 210000 self.coinbasevalue = self.block_reward self.extranonce1 = extranonce1 self.extranonce1_size = extranonce1_size self.extranonce2 = "00000000" self.extranonce2_size = extranonce2_size self.coinbase_output_address = coinbase_output_address self.sigoplimit = data["sigoplimit"] self.weightlimit = data["weightlimit"] self.sigop= 0 self.weight = 0 # if type(coinbase_message) == bytes: # coinbase_message = coinbase_message.hex() self.coinbase_message = coinbase_message self.transactions = list(data["transactions"]) self.txid_list = list() self.scan_tx_list() self.coinbase_tx = self.create_coinbase_transaction() self.coinb1, self.coinb2 = self.split_coinbase() = bits_to_target(self.bits) self.difficulty = target_to_difficulty( # print("<>>>>>>",self.coinbase_tx["txId"]) self.merkle_branches = [i for i in merkle_branches([self.coinbase_tx["txId"],] + self.txid_list)] def scan_tx_list(self): self.coinbasevalue = self.block_reward self.sigop = 0 self.weight = 0 self.txid_list = list() tx_fee = 0 for tx in self.transactions: txid = s2rh(tx["txid"]) tx_fee += tx["fee"] self.weight += tx["weight"] self.sigop += tx["sigops"] self.txid_list.append(txid) self.coinbasevalue += math.floor(tx_fee / 10) def calculate_commitment(self, witness_reserved_value): wtxid_list = [b"\x00" * 32,] if self.transactions: for tx in self.transactions: wtxid_list.append(s2rh(tx["hash"])) return double_sha256(merkle_root_double_sha256(wtxid_list, return_hex=0) + witness_reserved_value) def split_coinbase(self): tx = self.coinbase_tx.serialize(segwit=0, hex= 0) len_coinbase = int(len(self.coinbase_tx["vIn"][0]["scriptSig"])/2) extranonce_len = self.extranonce1_size + self.extranonce2_size return tx[:42 + len_coinbase - extranonce_len].hex(),\ tx[42 + len_coinbase:].hex() def create_coinbase_transaction(self): tx = Transaction() k = b'\x02' if self.height > 0x7fff: k = b'\x03' coinbase = k + self.height.to_bytes(3,'little') + self.coinbase_message coinbase += b"\x00" * (self.extranonce1_size + self.extranonce2_size) assert len(coinbase) <= 100 tx.add_input(script_sig=coinbase) commitment = self.calculate_commitment(b'\x00'*32) tx.add_output(self.coinbasevalue, address = self.coinbase_output_address) tx.add_output(0, script_pub_key = b'j$\xaa!\xa9\xed' + commitment) # tx.add_output(0, script_pub_key = bytes_from_hex("6a24aa21a9ede2f61c3f71d1defd3fa999dfa36953755c690689799962b48bebd836974e8cf9")) tx.coinbase = True tx.commit() # print("coinbase tx", tx["txId"]) # print("coinbase tx >>>>", tx) return tx def get_job(self, job_id, clean_jobs = True): """ job_id - ID of the job. Use this ID while submitting share generated from this job. prevhash - Hash of previous block. coinb1 - Initial part of coinbase transaction. coinb2 - Final part of coinbase transaction. merkle_branch - List of hashes, will be used for calculation of merkle root. This is not a list of all transactions, it only contains prepared hashes of steps of merkle tree algorithm. Please read some materials for understanding how merkle trees calculation works. version - Bitcoin block version. nbits - Encoded current network difficulty ntime - Current ntime/ clean_jobs - When true, server indicates that submitting shares from previous jobs don't have a sense and such shares will be rejected. When this flag is set, miner should also drop all previous jobs, so job_ids can be eventually rotated. """ return [job_id, self.previous_block_hash, self.coinb1, self.coinb2, self.merkle_branches, self.version, self.bits, self.time, clean_jobs] def submit_job(self, extra_nonce_1, extra_nonce_2, nonce, time): version = s2rh(self.version) prev_hash = s2rh_step4(self.previous_block_hash) cb = self.coinb1 + extra_nonce_1 + extra_nonce_2 + self.coinb2 # print("ccoinbase", cb) time = s2rh(time) bits = s2rh(self.bits) nonce = s2rh(nonce) c = Transaction(cb) cbh = s2rh(c["txId"]) merkle_root = merkle_root_from_branches(self.merkle_branches, cbh) header = version + prev_hash + merkle_root + time + bits + nonce block = header.hex() block +=int_to_var_int(len (self.transactions) + 1).hex() block += cb for t in self.transactions: block += t["data"] return sha3_256(header,1), block def mn(self, nonce): header = self.h1 + s2rh(nonce) + self.h1 return sha3_256(header, 1) cb = self.coinb1 + extra_nonce_1 + extra_nonce_2 + self.coinb2 time = s2rh(time) bits = s2rh(self.bits) nonce = s2rh(nonce) cbh = sha3_256(bytes_from_hex(cb)) c = Transaction(cb) merkle_root = merkle_root_from_branches(self.merkle_branches, cbh) header = version + prev_hash + merkle_root + time + bits + nonce block = header.hex() block +=int_to_var_int(len (self.transactions) + 1).hex() block += cb for t in self.transactions: block += t["data"] return sha3_256(header,1), block